The Blakeney Area Historical Society (BAHS) in North Norfolk

The Blakeney Area Historical Society

Members' Area

Members' area Home

Forgot Password?

If you've forgotten your password you may use this form to reset your password and receive an email with a temporary password to your registered email address. On logging in with your temporary password you will be required to provide a new password.

To use this form you need to enter your registered email address, your last name or postcode and your member number. Your member number is often provided at the bottom of emails we send to you. If you do not know your member number please email the membership secretary.

Email address*:
Postcode or Last Name*:
Member No*:

Note: After clicking on Submit if you remain on this web page then the details you entered didn't match our records. Please double check your email address postcode or last name and your member no and try again.

* Input required (may not be left blank)