Anybody may use the guestbook.
However you need to be registered and logged-in to post to any guestbook forum even if you are a member of the BAHS. See below links to register and to log-in.
When registering or changing your password, it must be eight characters including one upper/lowercase letter, one special/symbol character and alphanumeric characters. Passwords should not contain the user’s username, email, or first/last name.
All posts to the guestbook require moderation and will only appear once they are approved. They will only appear on the website if considered appropriate (i.e. relevant to the forum in which they are posted) and acceptable (i.e. polite and no bad language). In some situations a posting may be moved by the moderator to a more appropriate forum. It is possible the need for approval may be relaxed in the future so that registered users may have their posts approved automatically after their first post has been approved.
If you have previously registered you may ‘Log-in’. If logged-in you may ‘Logout’ or ‘Edit my profile’ using the options below. To register please use the ‘Register’ option below. Finally, if you are not logged in and have forgotten your password please use “Lost password?” which will email with a link.