Help Needed Now!

The future of the BAHS is now in serious doubt due to a lack of people willing to run it. The Society itself is solvent, and generally well regarded in its field: we hold seven lectures a year, produce an excellent Journal in the Glaven Historian every other year, and above all we have the amazing resource that is the History Centre, a full blown village archive. What we don’t have is sufficient volunteers to keep the show on the road, many of those we do have are moving on and successors are not coming forward.

 Following our call for volunteers, we are glad to say there have been several positive responses. If, however, you missed the opportunity to do so please get in touch with the secretary (click here for contact details)  to discuss further. There isn’t a need to become a committee member and your help might just be an hour or two each month.

Some areas where help is needed are given below but any help is appreciated. Sometimes the help can be now and again such as helping with refreshments or helping at meetings. Some help requires a more regular commitment such as being History Centre Manager. Sometimes there might be a need to be on the BAHS Committee but this is often negotiable.


A secretary would be be much appreciated by the current committee to take notes and produce minutes of our committee meetings. We hold around 6 committee meetings a year plus an Annual General meeting (AGM).

Meetings Organiser

We could do with help in running our meetings especially the technical side of meetings as well as someone to organise meetings, liaise with speakers plus welcome the speaker, members and guests when they arrive. This needs more than one person.

History Centre Manager & Volunteers

The BAHS operates the History Centre located at the back of of the Blakeney Village Hall. A new manager is required.

Volunteers are also needed to help open the History Centre on scheduled dates and on other dates as agreed with members and visitors.

Newsletter  Editor

The future of our online newsletter is at risk without a volunteer to step in.


The Society has an extensive website that informs visitors and members about the Society’s activities; promotes the History Centre and the accessions held there; list the Glaven Historian Journals and much much more. To continue to maintain and enhance the website we need a volunteer webmaster.

Accounts Scrutineer

At the end of each year someone to scrutinise the end of year accounts in conjunction with the treasurer.