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1586 Map of Blakeney Haven and Port of Cley: Part II
J Wright
Synopsis: In the previous issue of this Journal, Jonathan Hooton identified and described all the known copies of the 1586 map of Blakeney Haven – though the whereabouts of the original remain unknown.’ He also noted that recent work by Dr Andy Wood of UEA had suggested that the map was drawn to provide evidence for a court case to decide whether the Manor of Wighton or the Manor of Cley had the rights of wreck and salvage on Stiffkey sands. This article outlines the nature of the case and presents some information contained in the evidence. The wealth of topographical detail will need to be considered in a separate article.
Sounds familiar (Part II): The first New Cut?
J Wright
Synopsis: This article was completely unexpected. The previous issue of this Journal contained a transcription of two 16,h century documents referring to a request to make a cut in Morston marshes that would be to the benefit of the ports of Cley and Blakeney. After this length of time, some 450 years, there appeared to be little prospect of finding the exact location of the cut – assuming that the work was carried out as intended. Yet, surprising as it may seem, it looks as if this very cut is still visible today.
Norfolk War Memorials Project 1914-1918: Part II
M Ferroussat
Synopsis: The previous issue of this Journal contained an article on the Norfolk War Memorials project organized by the Royal Norfolk Regimental Museum to complement the National Inventory of War Memorials being compiled by the Imperial War Museum. The project aimed not only to recordad 1914-1918 memorials but also to obtain biographical information about the people they commemorate. The article also listed all those named on the various memorials in Blakeney. This second article summarizes the information which has been obtained not just for these Blakeney men but also for all those from Cley, Letheringsett and Wiveton who died in the Great War. Some of the additional material which the Society holds has been copied to the Royal Norfolk Regimental Museum in Norwich.
Tunnel discovered at Blakeney!
J Wright
Synopsis: Many coastal villages, including Blakeney, are riddled with smugglers ‘ tunnels – so it is said. Yet the evidence is hard to come by: so many seem to have been lost, filled up or bricked in. So it h as with considerable interest that the author responded to an invitation to look at a tunnel that had just been discovered on the Low quay at Blakeney. Could this be a genuine tunnel at last? Read on!
The Chapel on Blakeney Eye: some documentary evidence
J Wright
Synopsis: On the north-east comer of Blakeney Eye is a low earthwork containing slight traces of flint walling which suggests that a building once stood there. This site has long been known as the ‘ruined chapel’, but on what evidence? This article outlines what is known about the site from documentary’ sources. The BAHS has recently carried out some detailed surveys of these ruins and the initial results are described in a separate article in this issue of the Journal.
The Chapel on Blakeney Eye: initial results of field surveys
P Carnell
Synopsis: During the winter of 1998/99 the BAHS undertook a detailed study of the ‘chapel ‘ ruins on Blakeney Eye, using a variety of survey techniques. Some useful information has been obtained and the first results are outlined in this article. Other reports will be prepared in due course after further analysis of the information obtained This article describes the principal surveys: height measurements, geophysics and molehill sampling. A separate article in this issue of the Journal outlines what is known about the site from documentary sources.
A note on Blakeney Garage
M White
Synopsis: Blakeney Garage is unusual for its date in that it was designed by an architect specifically for its purpose and site. As a result it complements older buildings in the vicinity and enhances the appearance of the village. This note outlines the stages by which it reached its present form.
Memories of Blakeney in the 1930s
T Wright
Synopsis: On the 27th March 1999 the author, born and brought up in the village, gave a talk to the Blakeney Sailing Club on the subject of Blakeney in the late 1920s and 1930s. This article is the text of his talk, making only those amendments essential to turn the piece from talk to written record. The content is drawn entirely from memory, although comments about particular events and dates have been checked where possible.
What the papers said
the Editor
Synopsis: This first item is one account amongst many recorded in the papers of the day describing the jollifications which marked the coronation of Queen Victoria on 28th June 1838. The report for Cley is longer than most and the details provided enable the reader to form a good mental picture of the day s events, which began in at the Salt Parts by the Mill and finished in a barn at the Old Hall. Will three quarters of the village population ever again assemble for such an entertainment?
On being a house detective: Nos 145 & 147 High Street Blakeney
M Lee
Synopsis: During the autumn of 1998, under the auspices of UEA, the Society ran a 10 session course led by Mike Brackenbury to study English Vernacular Architecture. The course objective was to make a practical study of a local village house in order to attempt an interpretation of the various phases of the building’s life. Course members were introduced to the various techniques needed to undertake the study, including the preparation of plans from site measurements, the observation of the detail of both building and fittings, the use of sketches and photographs, and the potential of documentary records. No 145 in Blakeney High Street was selected for study thanks to the kind offer of Mrs Ruby Brown, and the adjoining property. No 147, was also examined courtesy of Mr and Mrs Peter Kenward. This article comments on the practical work and offers a personal interpretation of the building.