Planned Events

Warning: The nature of running a programme of events and publicising it, often months in advance, has its dangers such as a change of venue, change of lecture etc. Prior to any event, please check here that the details you have are up to date. If you are a member or have requested information emails and we have an email address for you then the Society will email a reminder a few days before a meeting.

Click here to join the Society or click here to sign up for information emails.

Start Times

The times quoted below are the start times for lectures so please arrive about fifteen minutes before or login to Zoom at least five minutes before the start. Some other websites list our events. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information they provide so please check here.

Zoom Meetings

Talks sometimes appear on Zoom as well as live. If so, you may receive invites to Zoom meetings by joining the BAHS or signing up to receive our information emails by clicking here.

Free Entrance… but donations requested

Whether attending in person or on Zoom the Society currently doesn’t charge for meetings. With hire charges, speakers’ fees and equipment costs meetings run at a loss. If possible please make a donation to help defray these costs. At meetings you may make a donation by card, cheque or cash. Otherwise, please pay by bank transfer. Details are TSB Bank, Account Blakeney Area Historical Society, Sort code 30-94-34 and Account no. 18327968.

Talks for 2024

Click here for 2024 printable list

Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 2:30pm

Cley Village Hall

To Be Confirmed.

The current lecture programme has now ended. We look forward to seeing you when the next series of lectures begins in September.

Tuesday 22nd October 2024 at 2:30pm

Cley Village Hall

German Prisoners of war in Norfolk – a forgotten history of the Great War.

Brendan Chester-Cadwell

Tuesday 26th November 2024 at 2:30pm

Cley Village Hall

The remarkable life of Thomas Fowell-Buxton.

Alison Dow

Tuesday 25th March 2025 at 2:30pm

Cley Village Hall

Exploring Norfolk’s Deep History Coast.

Dr John Davies