This page lists information (images AND text) on the North Norfolk Coastguards. This information is provided to assist in deciding whether a visit to the History Centre may benefit your research. However, please do not assume that it is either complete or accurate.
Images (which may be clicked on to enlarge) are provided as they often convey more information than the text that follows. The images may also help with locating information within the History Centre.
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Surname | First Name | Station | Dates |
Abbs | Mark | Weybourne | 1881 |
Ackhurst | Frederick J | Weybourne | 1891 |
Allard | John | Weybourne | 1841 |
Allen | Robert | Thornham | 1841 |
Andrews | Thomas | Salthouse | 1851, 1861 |
Ary | Robert | Morston | 1829 |
Auchmaty | ? | Stiffkey | 1851 |
Banks | Richard | Morston | 1854 |
Barclay | Charles | Morston | 1847, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1853, 1856, 1857, 1859, 1861, 1863 |
Barker | George | Thornham | 1871 |
Barker | Thomas | Wells | 1841 |
Barnes | George E | Wells | 1871 |
Barrows | Issac | Wells | 1891 |
Bearman | George | Wells | 1898 |
Bell | James A | Wells | 1881 |
Billett | Edward J | Wells | 1881 |
Bishop | George | Wells | 1901 |
Black | Joseph | Morston | 1881 |
Blades | James A | Wells | 1881 |
Blellock | James | Weybourne | 1851 |
Boxhall | James | Wells | 1841, 1851 |
Boyce | James | Morston | 1861 |
Breathwick | Samuel | Morston | 1901 |
Brien | Daniel | Morston | 1881 |
Brien | Daniel | Wells | 1871 |
Brownsher | John | Wells | 1841 |
Buchan | George | Weybourne | 1891 |
Buckhan | George | Morston | 1881 |
Butcher | Mark | Thornham | 1841, 1851 |
Chambers | John | Wells | 1891 |
Charters | Edward | Weybourne | 1881 |
Coe | Robert John | Wells | 1851 |
Coe | John Benjamin | Morston | 1852 |
Coe | Robert | Wells | 1861 |
Collery | Michael | Morston | 1851 |
Collins | William | Morston | 1874 |
Collins | William | Wells | 1881 |
Cook | James | Morston | 1833 |
Cook | Thomas | Wells | 1851 |
Coomber | William | Morston | 1891 |
Cooper | Joseph | Cley | 1851 |
Craig | Robert | Wells | 1841 |
Crickard | James | Weybourne | 1891 |
Critchell | William | Morston | 1901 |
Crowden | Charles | Morston | 1911 |
Cullim | Thomas | Wells | 1851, 1861 |
Cullum | Robert | Morston | 1826 |
Currie | Archibald | Stiffkey | 1851 |
Dawson | William W | Wells | 1871 |
De Courcey | Dennis | Wells | 1841 |
Dennis | Thomas | Morston | 1826 |
Devlin | John Joseph | Wells | 1898 |
Dewell | Thomas | Cley | 1901 |
Donegall | James | Morston | 1832 |
Downs | Ebenezer | Wells | 1851 |
Driscoll | Patrick | Wells | 1898 |
Dunn | George | Weybourne | 1901 |
Dutton | George | Morston | 1901 |
Eales | William | Morston | 1914 |
Edgeworth | Frederick | Morston | 1901 |
Elgar | Stephen | Cley | 1841 |
Elliot | Samuel | Cley | 1891 |
Felstead | Richard | Morston | 1855 |
Ferry | Michael | Thornham | 1841 |
Fletcher | Joseph | Weybourne | 1871 |
Fletcher | Joseph | Wells | 1851, 1861 |
Fulcher (Lulche) | James | Blakeney | 1881 |
Gilbert | Bamaby | Wells | 1851 |
Gloyn | John | Wells | 1871 |
Grimwood | Christopher G | Wells | 1901 |
Groundsell | James | Thornham | 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 |
Guest | George | Wells | 1901, 1911 |
Gunn | Charles | Morston | 1869, 1871 |
Haffenden | James | Weybourne | 1891 |
Hardy | James A | Morston | 1891 |
Harfield | Frederick | Weybourne | 1901 |
Harris | William | Weybourne | 1851 |
Hatton | Daniel | Morston | 1841 |
Hay | George | Wells | 1871 |
Hedge | William E | Wells | 1891 |
Henry | William R | Wells | 1861 |
Henwood | Thomas | Weybourne | 1861 |
Hibbert | William | Cley | 1881 |
Hickman | Frank | Thornham | 1891, 1901 |
Holmes | Israel | Morston | 1871 |
Holmes | Israel J | Wells | 1861 |
Hopkins | John | Morston | 1911 |
Howes | George | Weybourne | 1841 |
HurrelI | William T | Cley | 1861 |
Insley | Thomas | Stiffkey | 1841 |
Insley | William | Morston | 1901 |
Ives | Edward | Wells | 1911 |
James | Charles | Stiffkey | 1851 |
James | George | Wells | 1851, 1861 |
Jamison | Andrew | Morston | 1829 |
Japley | John | Cley | 1861 |
Johns | Stephen | Wells | 1861 |
Johnson | George | Wells | 1851 |
Johnson | William | of Cley | Cornwall 1851-1892 |
Jones | Richard | Morston | 1830 |
Jones | John | Weybourne | 1861 |
Jordan | George Edward | Wells | 1898 |
Kemp | William | Morston | 1833, 1835, 1832, 1841, 1851, 1861, 1846 |
Kew | James M | Wells | 1911 |
King | Sydney | Morston | 1833 |
King | William Edward | Morston | 1877, 1878, 1880, 1894 |
King | William | Wells | 1891 |
King | William Edward | Burnham | 1882 |
King | William Edward | Thornham | 1887, 1889 |
King | William Edward | Cley | 1884, 1885 |
King | Charles | Wells | 1901 |
Kingdon | James | Thornham | 1901 |
Latter | Henry | Wells | 1871 |
Ledner | John | Morston | 1858, 1859, 1861, 1863, 1864 |
Lednor | John | Thornham | 1871 |
Lenney | Albert | Weybourne | 1901 |
Lewin (Lewis?) | John | Wells | 1881, 1901, 1911 |
Lewis | Charles | Thornham | 1901 |
Lewis (Lewin?) | John | Wells | |
Linnen | William | Morston | 1881 |
London | Patrick | Thornham | 1881 |
Luck | William | Wells | 1861 |
Lulche (Fulcher) | James | Blakeney | 1881 |
Lumsden | George D | Wells | 1861 |
Lynch | Timothy | Morston | 1852 |
Lynch | Henry | Cley | 1851 |
MacFarlane | Andrew | Morston | 1842 |
Mackerell | James | Cley | 1841, 1861 |
Mackerell | James | Weybourne | 1881, 1891, 1902 |
Manford (Munford?) | Charles H | Wells | |
Manning | John Robert | Wells | 1891 |
Marsh | John C | Wells | 1911 |
Marshall | John | Morston | 1891 |
Martin | William Henry | Morston | 1850, 1851, 1859, 1861 |
Matson | Edmund J | Wells | 1871, 1881 |
McDonall | Robert | Weybourne | 1841 |
McKee | John | Morston | 1871 |
McKellar | John | Wells | 1841 |
Morgan | John | Wells | 1841 |
Morris | John | Morston | 1911 |
Morton | William Henry | Morston | 1851, 1861 |
Munford | Charles H | Wells | 1911 |
Murphy | Cornelius | Thornham | 1851 |
Nash | Richard | Weybourne | 1841 |
Norris | Cornelius | Wells | 1901 |
Northmore | Thomas | Weybourne | 1851 |
Osborne | Robert James | Morston | 1843, 1844 |
Palmer | John | Cley | 1901 |
Parker | Richard | Wells | 1891 |
Pascoe | John | Morston | 1871, 1874 + D124 |
Peace / Pearce | Henry | Morston | 1832 |
Pearce | William Henry | Wells | 1891 |
Pearson | James | Wells | 1851, 1861 |
Perkins | James | Weybourne | 1861, 1871 |
Perry | George | Wells | 1898 |
Perry | George | Morston | 1898 |
Polley | Robert | Weybourne | 1851 |
Pomroy | Hugh | Wells | 1911 |
Poole | Charles | Weybourne | 1851 |
Pratt | Joseph | Cley | 1841 |
Pretty | Ed*a.n | Cley | 1891 |
Pyle | Benjamin | Wells | 1871 |
Radman | George R | Wells | 1861 |
Randall | James | Morston | 1911 |
Randell | James | Wells | 1901 |
Ransom | James C | Morston | 1891 |
Records | Joseph H | Wells | 1871 |
Redding (2) | Thomas | Wells | 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 |
Redding | Thomas | Wells | 1851, 1881, 1871 |
Reed | Wiliam (William?) | Wells | 1851 |
Richards | William | Wells | 1861 |
Riley | Charles | Wells | 1841 |
Roberts | Griffith | Weybourne | 1841 |
Robertson | John | Wells | 1851 |
Robins | Nicholas | Morston | 1851, 1861 |
Rodgers | William | Wells | 1851 |
Rogers | Charles | Morston | 1870, 1871, 1881 |
Rose | John | Morston | 1826 |
Saunders | Edwin | Salthouse | 1891 |
Sayce | Herbert C | Wells | 1891 |
Scarle | George | Morston | 1911 |
Schollar | Richard | Morston | 1841, 1845 |
Schollar | Robert | Morston | 1858, 1859, 1861, 1863 ,1871 |
Schollar | Richard | Thornham | 1851 |
Scowen | Henry | Morston | 1871 |
Sharp | Henry | Stiffkey | 1841 |
Shuckburgh | George S | Wells | 1901 |
Smith | Charles | Morston | 1911 |
Smith | Thomas | Morston | 1851 |
Smith | Thomas | Thornham | 1891 |
Smith | William | Weybourne | 1861 |
Smith | John | Wells | 1861 |
Smith | Robert | Wells | 1871 |
Smith | Edward | Wells | 1871 |
Southgate | Alfred | Wells | 1911 |
Sparshot | George | Stiffkey | 1841, 1852 |
Sprattling | John William | Salthouse | 1861 |
Staite | Frederick G | Wells | 1901 |
Steph | James E | Morston | 1891 |
Stubbs | John | Morston | 1821, 1823 |
Taylor | James | Morston | 1881 |
Taylor | Thomas | Wells | 1881 |
Tazor | George | Salthouse | 1901 |
Thomas | George | Morston | 1841, 1851 |
Thomas | William | Weybourne | 1851 |
Thompson | John | Wells | 1851 |
Tilmouth | Robert Girling | Morston | 1829 |
Tillman | Henry | Wells | 1841 |
Tuck | William | Wells | 1901 |
Turner | Joseph | Morston | 1873 |
Twell | John | Wells | 1911 |
Vincent | Albert G | Weybourne | 1901 |
Wanstall | Thomas | Morston | 1871 |
Wares | James | Cley | 1871 |
Warnett | William | Wells | 1861 |
Matson | Edmund J | Stiffkey | 1851 |
Matson | Edmund | Wells | 1871, 1881 |
Westcott | Fred | Salthouse | 1881 |
Weston | William G | Salthouse | 1901 |
Wheaton | Thomas | Weybourne | 1871 |
White | William Henry | Wells | 1911 |
Williams | John | Morston | 1829, 1833 + D99 |
Williams | Robert | Weybourne | 1871 |
Williams | Ephraim W | Wells | 1851, 1861 |
Worlidge | Thomas | Weybourne | 1871 |