Paying Subscriptions

Subscription rates

The membership year runs from 1st September until 31st August.

Honorary*No charge
* Honorary members do not pay a subscription fee and have their subscriptions renewed automatically.

Paying your subscription

Our prefered methods for payment of subscriptions are:

  • Standing order;
  • Bank transfer/BACS; or
  • Cheque.

You may also pay by cash at meetings.

Bank transfer/BACS

Members may now pay their subscriptions by bank transfer. Please follow use the same information provided below for standing orders. The bank details to use may be found on the standing order form.

Standing order

Our preferred payment method is by standing order.

Please download and complete the standing order form and send or take it to your bank.  You should use your name and surname as the standing order reference (new members should wait to receive this before paying their subscription). Please do not send the form to the BAHS.

If you use a bank app or Internet banking you may be able to set up a standing order without needing to complete the standing order form, using the information provided above on the standing order form.


  1. Please ensure you use your membership number and surname as the standing order reference. Otherwise we may not be able to associate your payment with your membership. If you are not sure of your membership number please contact the membership secretary.
  2. Please send to your bank not to the BAHS.


Please make cheques payable to BAHS, and can be returned by post or deposited in the BAHS post box (no cash please) at the entrance to Blakeney Village Hall. Please provide your name and membership number on the back of your cheque.

The postal address is: Membership Secretary, History Centre Blakeney, Blakeney Village Hall, Langham Road, Blakeney, NR25 7PG.

Cheques and postal orders are not paid in until there are a sufficient number to warrant a trip to the bank or Post office.

In person

It is possible to pay your subscription by cheque or cash at one of BAHS’ events or by appointment at the History Centre.