If you wish to submit a news item for publication on the BAHS website please complete the form below. All news items and replies are moderated by a BAHS committee member before they are published to ensure all content is appropriate and relevant.
Important: Please read the explanation on how to complete the form that follows the form especially if this is the first time you are adding a news item.
Success? If you are successful with submitting your news item you will see a message say ‘Success! Thank you for your submission. Before it appears on the website it will be submitted for approval by a member of the BAHS Committee.’. Otherwise it hasn’t been successful.
Completing Form
Below is an explanation of the fields in the ‘Add News Item’ form. Please read if this is your first submission.
Your Name: Please provide your full name.
Post Title: Please provide a brief explanation of the news items that acts as the title of the news item.
Post Tags: Optionally enter any tags that reflect the content of the news item e.g. name of village or name of building. Please separate tags with commas (e.g. Blakeney, St Nicholas’).
Antispam Question: To be able to submit the form you need to answer this question.
Post Category: Please select from the list in the drop-down menu a category that represents the news item being added. Multiple categories may be selected but you may need to select another field then come back to add another category.
Post Content: Enter a description of your news item.
Upload an Image: You may add up to three images with the news item. Images may be jpgs, gif and png files but NOT pdfs. Images may not have a width or height greater than 1500 pixels. IMPORTANT: If submitting images with your news item please mention this at the start of your ‘Post Content‘ so that the approver may link the images to the news item.